I was very drunk. Les threatened and insulted several times, but the boys did not respond. Were left sitting without saying anything," explained yesterday two witnesses. That same morning the injured parties to the conflict resolved stabbed and killed the young Briton, who has just turned 26 years. "He had two faces. Sober When I was a boy was not normal that gave problems, but when he drank too became aggressive and looking for fights," tell their acquaintances.
Danny Hastelow left on Saturday night to celebrate his birthday alone. Before midnight was already very drunk. Prayed and I had no money to customers of the bar who invited him because it was his birthday", according to two eyewitnessesThere he met two men and began insultarles and threaten them with death. Do not know why, but I was very upset. Other kids did not respond and were seated without saying anything.The victims of the offense were two compatriots, neighbors in the area, with whom they had fought for obscure reasons on several occasionsOne of them still has a bruising in one eye result of the last fight, which occurred on Friday.
"Alcohol is returning madman". Two Britons arrested last Sunday for killing a compatriot in an apartment in Magaluf are already in prison. This was agreed yesterday by Judge Alvaro Latorre, at the request of the prosecutor Michelangelo Anadón, who are charged with murder and breaking and entering, crimes that carry penalties of more than 20 years in prison. . Both suspects, yesterday defended by counsel Roser Fuster, will be tried by a jury.
Richard Henry R., de 35 años de edad, y su compañero Paul Anthony G., de 22, Richard Henry R., aged 35, and her partner Paul Anthony G., 22, were taken yesterday morning by the Civil Guard tried to guard. They had spent nearly two days in the dungeons of Command and yesterday the judge could explain its involvement in the incident that cost him his life Daniel Hastelow. The British man, aged 26, died last Sunday stabbed at the home where he slept,in an Magaluf apartment .
El presunto autor material del crimen, Richard Henry R., The alleged perpetrator of the crime, Richard R. Henry, did not want to testify yesterday before the judge. He was very nervous and that many had trouble remembering what happened, but did not want the coroner finds his state. The judge gave him a second chance and did not want to testify. At the end, he was transferred to prison without explaining their version of events.However, on Monday, it acknowledged that the Civil Guard was he who that night stabbed the weapon used in the death of his compatriot.She detailed that it had already held several confrontations with the victim. They had discussed several times in bars Magaluf and felt threa He reiterated that every time he was threatened. In every moment of his statement wanted to exonerate another inmate.
Unlike his partner, Paul Anthony G., 22, did not hesitate to tell his version of events. In his statement before the judge did not hide the tactics that will preserve, almost surely, if declared before the jury. Try positioned as a mere spectator at the crime scene. It is true that accompanied his friend Richard, but he was not who stabbed Daniel.
. Therefore, the detainee maintains that neither he nor his friend planned that night to kill Daniel Hastelow. This would, according to him, a chance encounter, not a planned crime. . The youngest of the detainees elaborated that it was true that that evening went to the apartment of Magaluf. Not looking for Daniel, but another British was the tenant of the apartment. . We were looking for them to sell a "posture" of hashish they were going to eat that night.The couple reiterated in his statement that he and his friend were convinced that Daniel was not going to be that night at the apartment. They knew that he had been celebrating his birthday and had news that it had a confrontation with the police and he was arrested. Daniel had gone to his house to sleep. This version exculpatory, who intends to prove that this was not a premeditated murder but a clash casual does not coincide with the conclusion police. . The Civil Guard maintains that the two arrested that night went to the apartment to give a lesson to Daniel by the fighting that had taken earlier with him in several bars.. Those who most often had fought with the British couple had been Richard and it would have been he who persuaded his friend to assist him. This explains that that night were armed with a knife and a baseball bat. Sobre las armas, en concreto el cuchillo, Paul Anthony incidió en que no es cierto que las llevaran. On weapons, including the knife, Paul Anthony emphasised that it is not true that lead. He argues that the knife was already in the apartment when they arrived. He believes that was being used by flatmate Daniel to cut hashish. . On the bat, on the other hand, maintain a version somewhat more confusing, although he acknowledged that it was them. After the crime was alleged to be in charge of disposing of the two arms.. The couple accuses his friend Richard launch of the sea. Neither the knife nor the bat have been located, although the Civil Guard still searching for weapons.
Danny Hastelow was a friend, he did not deserve to be killed!If you knew danny like hes family and friends did he was the nicest man you could ever meet and everyone loved him for who he was.
The 2 scum who did this to him deserve everything they get!
oh you dont like the truth cumin out about dan that infact he was a bully and everyone on the island knows he was we all no the sayin what goes around comes around you cant go around bulling people and get away with it because sooner or later you bully the wrong person and that is what has happend FACT is own so called mates have said when he was drunk he was always fighting danny played a very big part in his own death yes the 2 lads will go to jail but just think of all the people out there who dont have to put up with his bullying anymore yous who no him will say he was this and that but for a whole island to say he was always lookin for troble and fighting then what more is there left to say yes a do feel for is family but a grown man of 26 shud no he can not handle is ale and when hes drunk wants to fight the world and get away with it and now he as payed the price for it to bully a 35year old ill man yea bet rich family havent told you that but yea a ill man must weigh btween 7 and 8 stone so if that makes you proud of dan then good for use
We all know Dan was no angel, but to say he got what was coming to him makes you one hell of a sick person. If you think that saying Dan was a bully is a justifiable reason for someone to take his life then you really need help. Your saying that a grown man of 35 was being bullied? Come on, they were adults, not school boys. You don't know Dan how we did clearly. This bloke who everyone seems to be ever so proud of has robbed a a mother of her son, 2 sisters of their brother, several nephew's of their uncle. Yeah what a nice person Ritchie was!! I notice you haven't got the balls to put you name to that last stupid bloody statement & I will defend Danny with my dying breath cos he was one of the best friends I have ever had. Nikki
I'm Danny cousin and comment like the above make me sick! I just hope that my Auntie Dan's mom never gets to read them. His mom never deserved not to see her son again, did she! Nor did his sister deserve, having to tell his young nephews that uncle Danny was never coming home. Nor did his family and friend not deserve a proper funeral for dan. NO one deserves that! We will have no closure to all this, and in a year time will have to relive it all again. Danny will never be forgotten no matter what. But to have no traditional rituals, when someone you miss and love has passed, is something I hope none of you have to go through. And ye actually we no rich is a sick man, He must of been to do this! But yeah, we no more than you think about rich!! And he not as innocent,as some individuals on here are making out, is he!!! Im not saying what, becuase I'm not hear to play tit for tat. Just to thank people who have posted nice comment's about Danny, and to ask other who also have the right too have their say to bear in mind, Danny family are reading these comment. And no matter what anyone thought of Dan we all love and miss him very much R.I.P Danny boy.xxxxxx
What happened to danny had been coming for years, he was a bully there is no doubt about that everyone in walsall wood knew what he was realy like drink or no drink, his family will defend him as any family would but now he is gone walsall wood is a lot safer than when he was here.The saying Danny was fond of was "Live by the sword DIE by the sword".
i only knew danny for a few months but what i saw was a kind hearted man, he always meant well. He wasn't always without trouble but who is? he was a loveable rogue. He didn't deserve what happened. Goodnight sweetheart xxxx (you know)
i only knew danny for a few months but he was a fun caring man. He didnt deserve what happened to him. Goodnight sweetheart xxxxx (you know)
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