Daniel Hastelow murdered
The two men were arrested as they were about to take a flight to the UK. Richard Henry R, 35, confessed to the crime saying he did it becaus...
Oneil Abrahams
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Mickey Green
known as the Pimpernel, a multi-millionaire criminal who has been on the run for more than 20 years and is believed to be one of the most se...
Libya in shock after Tripoli airport attack
Libyans are stunned after two days of fighting between rival militias leaves the country's main international airport out of action. At ...
Amy Fitzpatrick
Amy Fitzpatrick, 15, has not been seen since the evening of New Year’s Day, when she left the friend’s home on the Costa del Sol. Officers f...
Spanish Government Cars With an Unsavory Past
A nationwide raid on a criminal group recently netted the Spanish police an extensive booty: 52 cars and motorbikes, as well as two boats, a...
Daniel Hastelow murdered The two men were arrested as they were about to take a flight to the UK. Richard Henry R, 35, confessed to the crime saying he did it becaus...
Oneil Abrahams Oneil Abrahams, 35, of Norristown, Detectives had been closing in on an operation that had pumped at least $750,000 worth of pot into the re...
Mickey Green known as the Pimpernel, a multi-millionaire criminal who has been on the run for more than 20 years and is believed to be one of the most se...
Libya in shock after Tripoli airport attack Libyans are stunned after two days of fighting between rival militias leaves the country's main international airport out of action. At ...
Amy Fitzpatrick Amy Fitzpatrick, 15, has not been seen since the evening of New Year’s Day, when she left the friend’s home on the Costa del Sol. Officers f...
Spanish Government Cars With an Unsavory Past A nationwide raid on a criminal group recently netted the Spanish police an extensive booty: 52 cars and motorbikes, as well as two boats, a...
Richard Roberts, aged 35, and Anthony Griffiths, 22. arrested for the murder of Daniel Hastelow.in the Mallorca resort of Magaluf on Sunday appeared in court on Tuesday and have been remanded to custody by the judge .
richard roberts is a father of two girls never had a fight in his life ever. wouild not of tried to fight a big man to prove any point he has never been violant towards anyone wouild not have even had the strenght to fight he was bullied by a bigger person who thought he couid get away with it do people actually no what getting bullied can do to someones mind.richard was not known for fighting on the island unlike dan was! richard is not the fighting sort he was scared for is life as much as i do feel sorry for is family on losing their son.brother. dan played a part in his own death by bulling people it was only a matter of time before 1 of his victms mentally cracked and that is what happend richards family will always be there for him as they no he was never a trouble maker just a dad trying to live a better life to give to his children and that was ruined by a bully!
This did not give Richard the right to take an innocent like. He obviously wasnt thinking of his children when he murdered someone in cold blood.Because now he isnt going to be there for his kids, He is going to be sitting in prison.
He could have easily gone to the local authorities and reported all this and he made the decision not to. I feel sorry for Dannys family as they are having to grieve but i also feel sorry for the children who will lose there father. I will not however give sympathy or sorrow to Richard , as he did not have to take someones life .
i have known danny for 5 years.he stood up against bullys,yes he was bigger than the 2 other men but they were definately big enough 2 carry knife n bat to kill him,im 34 and i know if i was being bullied then i wudnt go 2 a apartment armed to the so called bully i was so afraid of,they done the crime and my only wish would be a life for a life.danny got me through alot of hard times in the time he knew him,he was the best m8 any1 cud ever wish for,dan ur missed and always loved xxxxxxxxx
You must be talking about a different Danny, as the one I know was a bully, who thought he was some big hard man.
He has a long criminal record including many relating to violence both in this country and in Spain. I'm sure there are many, many people who will not be shedding any tears for that waste of space.
Whilst I have genuine sympathy for his family, perhaps if they had brought him up properly he would not have turned into the thug that he was.
i thick your sick mate dont understand y dans gone fuck me i 4 one loved the kid he wud help any one and loved his mom and sis well dan if your watching kid god bless mate ill never 4get the times we had bruse and the little man is gutted he loves you tobits when we went to villa kid wot a laf that day will stop wid me 4 life all i thick about day in day out is you your a nices kid bruse to the ones who sed hes a bully neva in my life hav i seen so much shit if you mean he got bullyed your right he stud up to um bruse your mates love and mis u kid never 4get u notsuecow xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
richard roberts,original scouse?top bloke and def not violent,im gutted as ive only just seen this,lost contact with rich a few yrs back,now i know why,hope its not the same kid,anyone know details then post more here,victim obviously a bully as rich def placid
richard roberts is a father of two girls never had a fight in his life ever. wouild not of tried to fight a big man to prove any point he has never been violant towards anyone wouild not have even had the strenght to fight he was bullied by a bigger person who thought he couid get away with it do people actually no what getting bullied can do to someones mind.richard was not known for fighting on the island unlike dan was! richard is not the fighting sort he was scared for is life as much as i do feel sorry for is family on losing their son.brother. dan played a part in his own death by bulling people it was only a matter of time before 1 of his victms mentally cracked and that is what happend richards family will always be there for him as they no he was never a trouble maker just a dad trying to live a better life to give to his children and that was ruined by a bully!
This did not give Richard the right to take an innocent like. He obviously wasnt thinking of his children when he murdered someone in cold blood.Because now he isnt going to be there for his kids, He is going to be sitting in prison.
He could have easily gone to the local authorities and reported all this and he made the decision not to.
I feel sorry for Dannys family as they are having to grieve but i also feel sorry for the children who will lose there father. I will not however give sympathy or sorrow to Richard , as he did not have to take someones life .
i have known danny for 5 years.he stood up against bullys,yes he was bigger than the 2 other men but they were definately big enough 2 carry knife n bat to kill him,im 34 and i know if i was being bullied then i wudnt go 2 a apartment armed to the so called bully i was so afraid of,they done the crime and my only wish would be a life for a life.danny got me through alot of hard times in the time he knew him,he was the best m8 any1 cud ever wish for,dan ur missed and always loved xxxxxxxxx
You must be talking about a different Danny, as the one I know was a bully, who thought he was some big hard man.
He has a long criminal record including many relating to violence both in this country and in Spain. I'm sure there are many, many people who will not be shedding any tears for that waste of space.
Whilst I have genuine sympathy for his family, perhaps if they had brought him up properly he would not have turned into the thug that he was.
i thick your sick mate dont understand y dans gone fuck me i 4 one loved the kid he wud help any one and loved his mom and sis well dan if your watching kid god bless mate ill never 4get the times we had bruse and the little man is gutted he loves you tobits when we went to villa kid wot a laf that day will stop wid me 4 life all i thick about day in day out is you your a nices kid bruse to the ones who sed hes a bully neva in my life hav i seen so much shit if you mean he got bullyed your right he stud up to um bruse your mates love and mis u kid never 4get u notsuecow xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
your talking a load of shit and you no it.stop it now your making me laugh!
richard roberts,original scouse?top bloke and def not violent,im gutted as ive only just seen this,lost contact with rich a few yrs back,now i know why,hope its not the same kid,anyone know details then post more here,victim obviously a bully as rich def placid
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