Richard Roberts, aged 35, and Anthony Griffiths, 22. The paper gives the victim’s name as Daniel Hastelow.
Mr Roberts reportedly told the Civil Guard that he had had a number of arguments with the victim in the past, and had been threatened by him on each occasion. He said Mr Griffiths had no part in the crime, who himself said the two were in the apartment looking for another man who lived there and they thought Mr Hastelow would still be out. He said neither of them went there with the intention of killing him.
How could you ever do this to someone, takeing another persons life from them at the age of 26! knowbody has the right to do that, its not fair, and its Dannys family who now have to live in pain for the rest of their lives because a loved one was taken away from them, nothing anyone says or does can ever bring him back and thats what hurts the most! But the 2 men who did this still have their lives!
Danny you will always be remembered by your smile and your laugh and exspecially that bad cough you always use to have!
Sleep tight Dan RIP xxx
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