Autopsy, the body of Daniel Hastelow was autopsied yesterday The autopsy did not reveal any defensive wounds. Daneil Hastelow had received three deep stab wounds in the back and one in the chest and died of massive loss of blood, which is known as a hypovolemic shock.The body also showed signs of a strong blow in the abdomen, which could have been caused by the baseball bat. From the investigations carried out until yesterday, it appears that the victim had no opportunity to defend himself . The two men, armed with a knife and a bat, stormed past into the small apartment at four in the morning. Hastelow shared with two other Britons. He slept on the sofa and his hand was one of his companions, on a mattress on the floor. Everything happened in a few seconds. . The intruders attacked Hastelow and fled. The British had been mortally wounded and lost a lot of blood. He was taken in critical condition by ambulance to Son Dureta, where he died shortly after eight.However, according to the police, Hastelow managed to give them the name of his attacker before he died. The two men were also caught on film by one of the close circuit televisions cameras in the apartment block.
The two alleged attackers, the British also HR Richard and Paul AG, 36 and 22 years old, were arrested about ten o'clock at the airport of Son Sant Joan, while trying to catch a flight to return to his country . In his statement to the Guardia Civil both acknowledged the facts. The alleged perpetrator of the stabbing, Richard HR, argued that either did not remember what happened because he had drunk alcohol and taken pills.Efforts of the Civil Guard to close the case continued yesterday. A team of divers of the Ad Hoc Group of Underwater Activities (GEAS) went to the beach Magaluf, where two detainees said they had thrown the knife with which reportedly injured Hastelow. Divers had already inspected the beach on Sunday afternoon, and yesterday continued to crawl. The agents of the Judicial Police took place at the two detainees, to indicate the spot where the site would be the weapon.
The search was complicated because the seabed accumulates a large number of dead algae, which makes it very difficult to see. The search ended mid-morning with no positive results, and researchers had doubts that detainees were telling the truth about the place where they would be the knife.
Other teams inspected guards during the afternoon of Sunday, the homes of those arrested. . At the home of Paul AG were his parents, who knew nothing of what had happened.
well danny boy you have done it this time bullying a bloke with a terminal illness how low but that was you, your mom must be so proud what a nice son she has not,the woods are a safer place without you here long over due,you lived by the sword and now you have died by it,i leave my prayers to the robberts family,
richard roberts is not violent in any way and mustve been pushed over the edge by this meathead,gwon robbo,mate forever pal and never forgotten,is how i came to find this story,was searching for one of the best friends you could wish for,am gutted at the news,angry at the meathead bully
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