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Border Watch

Wednesday, 30 January 2008

Standing on the track hugging each other.motive of suicide is now almost certain

Two people, both 57 year old women, a Spaniard and a Belgium, have died after being hit by a train on the new AVE high speed line. It happened in the Málaga municipality of Mollina, 2kms. from the Antequera - Santa Ana station at 9,30pm last night according to the Guardia Civil and emergency services.
It’s understood that the two women had jumped over fencing to reach the train line, and the motive of suicide is now almost certain, according to the Guardia Civil. La Opinion de Málaga reports that the couple was reported to have been standing on the track hugging each other.
Train services were interrupted for more than an hour, and the police are now looking for witnesses to what happened.


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