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Border Watch

Friday, 25 January 2008

Uninsured Drivers in Spain your time is up !

new computer system linked to a national database will tell officers if a vehicle is insured or not.

The force has been equipped with 12 specially adapted vehicles that will scour roads and motorways seeking out insurance dodgers and by summer that number will go up to 50.
traffic department began using a new system this week that enables Traffic Guardia Civil to detect whether a vehicle is insured or not simply by scanning its number plate.
new computer system linked to a national database will tell officers if a vehicle is insured or not.
Using an onboard camera mounted at either the front or the rear of the vehicle, officers can scan number plates. If the number plate is not recorded on the database a message will appear on a screen and a voice will announce ‘Attention, this vehicle is not insured’.
If they get a negative answer officers will detain the vehicle and issue a fine. Uninsured scooter drivers will face a 1,000-euro fine, motorcyclists 1,250 euros, car drivers 1,500 euros and drivers of heavy goods vehicles 2,600 euros.
officers also have the power to impound vehicles if necessary
Official sources say that there are more than 400,000 uninsured vehicles on the roads and between them they cause around 16,000 accidents a year.
Head of the DGT Pere Navarro said that it is incredible that the owner of a high powered luxury car can take to the road without insurance.


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