The Interior Ministry said in a statement that top range cars were stolen in Italy and were sold on in Spain once the Vehicle Identification Numbers had been altered. The first of the ten cars so far traced – altogether valued at 1 million € - was a Porsche tracked to a car dealer in Almería province using GPS technology, and was found to have been sold by two men from Elche in Alicante.
Police have uncovered an international network which trafficked in stolen luxury cars between Spain and Italy, and have made five arrests in connection with fraud, falsifying documents, and vehicle theft. The suspects are three Spaniards and two Italians.
The Ministry said another two vehicles stolen in Italy last December proved to have been bought from the Alicante vendors via companies set up by the network. The Ministry said police are now trying to locate other vehicles which the network put up for sale in Valencia, Alicante, Seville, Cuenca, Murcia, La Rioja and Navarra
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