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Border Watch

Wednesday, 12 March 2008

Andre Williams died from a heart attack caused by drugs following a beach party in Algeciras

A post-mortem examination found Andre Williams, from Splott, Cardiff, died from a heart attack caused by drugs following a beach party in Algeciras, near Malaga, in the early hours of August 8 last year.packages thought to contain drugs were found inside a 27-year-old-man who died in Spain, an inquest heard yesterday.A total of 13 cylinders were discovered inside Mr Williams’s body, Cardiff Coroner’s Court was told.Mr Williams’s mother told the court that her son had been generally healthy but had been diagnosed with an enlarged heart and a hole-in-the-heart at the age of 18 months. The court also heard that Mr Williams smoked cannabis every day and took Class A drugs on a regular basis.A toxicology report showed that MDMA, amphetamine, metamphetamine and cannabis were found in his bloodstream.
Mary Hassell, coroner for Cardiff and the Vale of Glamorgan, said, “I want to know if he just took too many drugs or if in reality he was what is known as a drugs mule.”Ms Hassell adjourned her verdict in order to obtain more information from the Spanish authorities.


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