Border Watch Headline Animator

Border Watch

Tuesday, 20 May 2008

Tangier Police seized a total of 272 kg of hashish that were concealed in a car registered in Spain.

The Customs and police services of the port of Tangier have seized, in four catches over the week-end, some 347 kg of cannabis products, and arrested 3 Moroccans and three foreigners as part of these operations, according to port authorities.
The most important catch was on Saturday when customs at the port of Tangier seized a total of 272 kg of hashish that were concealed in a car registered in Spain. The car's owner and the passenger, two Moroccan nationals, were arrested.
Later in the day, two other cars were intercepted with 18 kg of cannabis resin, locally known as chira, and 38 kg of hashish respectively. A female Moroccan expatriate and two Spaniards were arrested during these operations.
On Sunday night, customs and police services arrested a Portuguese national following the discovery of 19 kg of cannabis extract in his car’s truck.
Since the beginning of January, drug seizures at the port of Tangier are almost daily. The arrested traffickers of different nationalities are brought before court where they face sentences ranging from 5 to 10 years in prison and very heavy fines set according to the quantity of the drugs seized.


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