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Border Watch

Saturday, 12 September 2009

Well-known local businessman has been found shot dead

Well-known local businessman has been found shot dead in Ronda, a 55 year old named by Diario Sur as J.M.S. whose body was discovered near the Legion headquarters in La Indiana at around 2.30 on Tuesday afternoon. The businessman is understood to have owned land in La Indiana.A man is already in custody for his murder, an 18 year old named as D.R.F. from Almería who was arrested in Algodonales, Cádiz province, on Tuesday afternoon. He was seen with the victim in his car shortly before the shooting, and then running off to catch a taxi to escape the scene.Sur said the two men appear to have argued over a business matter while driving to a livestock fair being held in the area.The paper notes 18 murders in Málaga province so far this year, compared to the 14 which took place throughout the 12 months of 2008.


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