Sunday, 22 November 2009
Spanish Civil Guard incursions a violation of British sovereignty
British Embassy in September described Civil Guard incursions as a violation of British sovereigntyIt’s been revealed by EFE this Sunday, that, following two incidents this September, the UK asked Spain to stop Civil Guard ‘incursions’ into waters considered to belong to Gibraltar, considering them as a violation of British sovereignty. The incidents concerned were on 4th and 7th September, when Civil Guard patrol boats seen within the Rock’s 3 mile perimeter were asked to depart after the Spanish officers reportedly failed to justify their presence with a valid explanation.The British Embassy in Madrid said in a note sent to Spain’s Foreign Ministry on the 18th of that month that such incursions are a cause for deep concern and, as a violation of British sovereignty over the waters, are unacceptable. As EFE quotes, the Embassy referred to the incidents as going against the ‘positive spirit of cooperation’ shown by the historic visit to the Rock of Spain’s Foreign Minister, Miguel Ángel Moratinos, on 21st July as part of the three-way talks on Gibraltar.
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