Four people were detained in the incident -- two French, one Iranian and one Venezuelan, police told CNN affiliate BFM-TV.
Paris Judiciary Police Director Christian Flaesch called the location of such a large seizure unusual.
"It's rare, indeed, to find this in an apartment," he said. "It's usually in a warehouse or boats but not in apartments. You obviously need an important network to bring such a quantity to France and to have the capacity to distribute it after that."
Video of the apartment in Neuilly-sur-Seine showed the cocaine packaged in dozens of clear plastic bags lying inside several suitcases.
The apartment belongs to a Saudi family, according to BFM-TV, and police believe the suspects illicitly obtained a key to use the space as a safe house or distribution point.
There is no indication the Saudi family was aware of the operation, police told BFM-TV.
"We are extremely satisfied," Flaesch said. "This represents considerable work for the police officers of the anti-narcotic brigade and the result is here with 111 kilos of cocaine, a cash amount, luxury items, clothes and an investigation which started several weeks ago with the central direction of the judiciary police."
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